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Sheencolor has been in cosmetics business for over 20 years. We are the one of the largest cosmetics manufacturer who based in south china.
世博科技股份有限公司成立於民國92年九月,是一家專賣音響相關器材的製造商,其主要的銷售產品有前級擴大機,後級擴大機,綜合擴大機,耳機擴大機,數位轉類比,電源供應器,唱頭放大機等。為台灣一擁有自有品牌名為電光火石的擴大機製造商。 世博公司以推動全球音響相關器材普及化為目標,並致力於台灣人自製研發設計,矢志成為受信賴之世界級音響器材製造服務公司。生產基地主要位於台灣北部工業區,臨近公司,以方便產品品質的管理。各產線產能完整且具彈性,可有效率生產全系列的產品,且全系列產品從研發到生產皆在台灣(MIT),品質具有一定的保證。世博公司總部設於台灣台北縣。 世博科技目前以自有品牌”電光火石(FireStone-Audio)”外銷到全世界,且經銷商遍及於世界各地如下: * 美國 * 加拿大 * 新加坡 * 日本 * 泰國 * 韓國 * 丹麥 * 英國 * 瑞典 * 法國 * 荷蘭 * 南非 ~歡迎有志青年一同加入本公司行列! *公司經營理念 以創新科技的全方面音響用品豐富人類的生活,傳遞讓你跟我都能感動的多元化的音樂,成為一提供享受的企業 *公司願景 立志成為公司員工、廠商、客戶及社會信賴與尊敬的世界級音響器材製造公司 * 2009 電光火石產品KORORA獲得日本銘機賞Audio Excellence Award 2009(AEx) * 2010 電光火石產品Fubar4 Plus獲得日本銘機賞Audio Excellence Award 2010(AEx) * 2010 電光火石產品Bigjoe3在泰國獲得Audiophile The Best of the year 2010
關於博琝 About GLOBLE-TEX Globle - Tex Co., Ltd was founded in 1999 with the professional experience in manufacturing and sale of fabric materials. Globle-Tex has established well integrated supply chain dedicated servicing and in deliver creative, on-demand products. Our QC, in fact, imposes an extremely high standard for all incoming materials, semi-processed, and finished productions. To be a member of the planet, Globle-Tex commits to be responsible for the environment in developing Eco-Friendly materials to all the possible applications. 博琝實業有限公司成立於1999年,擁有完整的供應鏈系統為客戶提供具創意及符合需求之產品,為一經驗豐富之專業材料販售及製造商。品質要求為博琝實業最高原則,同時,作為地球一員,博琝實業承諾將貢獻己力開發環保素材並使其得到最佳運用,將綠地留予大地。 經營理念 Company Philosophy 創意 Creative Developing customize products with well integrated supply chain and flexible capacity to fulfill customer satisfaction. 靈活運用並整合產品供應鏈,為客戶開發客製化商品滿足內在需求。 創新 Innovation Provide comprehensive products to customers by outstanding technical capability and system utilization. 藉由專業化科技及系統之運用,提供完善的產品鏈及銷售整合服務。 附加價值 Value-Added Dedicated in understanding customers’ needs and wants to provide best services and quality products. 致力於了解客戶內在需求並提供最佳服務及優質商品。 永續發展 Sustainable Responsible for the environment in developing Eco-Friendly materials. Protecting the environment is the indispensable duty. 地球只有一個,環保材料之開發為環境永續發展盡一己之力。
In the field of professional casino products, MING Is equipments have been regarded as the best for more than 20 years since 1978. Competition has not affected the quality and popularity, and the reputation has been spread to many parts of the world. We specialize in manufacture of professional casino table accessories, and we principally take care of Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker, Roulette, Craps, Pai-Gow, Keno, and many kinds of table game accessories, like brass and stainless steel drink holder and ashtray, security drop boxes and tip boxes, dealer shoes, clay chips, chip tray, poker chip set, casino dice, cutting card, quality roulette balls, wheel checks, and solid brass win markers...etc.                                We are able to supply with any kind of equipment relating to gaming table according to a customer’s project. In our service you could submit some new ideas which will be converted into the final innovative product, which can improve the value of the game table, and also your companys good reputation. From the raw material, through a strict production process, we can obtain the finished quality product, and finally with the professional delivery services, you are going to have such as works of art like a perfect service experience, also to make a successful business to operate more smoothly.
尚宏化工有限公司為專門環保塗料製造公司。本公司是專業從事環保水基塗料和各類塗料,各類木製家具和產品塗料。如:NC漆,聚氨酯塗料,丙烯酸塗料。我們成立於1972年,在台灣嘉義當地經營超過30年頭,並且擴展其業務觸角在中國,香港,越南,泰國和其他國家。我們擁有第二生產基地於中國,深圳廠與香港業務分公司。 現在,我們正在尋找新的市場和新的潛在客戶於台灣/美國/歐洲。如果你有興趣,請不要猶豫與我們聯繫!我們保證尚宏化工為您提供了最好的環保塗料。 San Hon Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. is an exclusively paint-manufacturing company. The company is professional in making water base environmental paint and various kinds of paint for all kind of wood furniture and products. like:NC lacquer, Polyurethane coatings, acrylic coating. We was established in 1972 and local in Chia-Yi, Taiwan over the last 30 years, San Hon Chemical has extended its business over China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Thailand, and other countries. We also has an affiliate plant in Shen-Zhen, China, and one branch in Hong Kong . Now we are looking for new markets and new potential customer over the U.S. Europe and Taiwan. If you are interested join our company. please do not hesitate to contact with us! We guarantee that SAN HON gives you the best environment paint of the world.
成立時間:西元1987年 經營據點:總部設於高雄市 全球佈點:共4個 經營理念:自1987 成立, 專業夾克雪衣製造外銷公司, 主要外銷市場為歐美, 客戶遍及歐美各大品牌, 並有海外工廠, Our mission is to provide the most comfortable, convenient and advanced outerwear for our customers around the world. The goal of the company is to deliver high quality goods with excellent service to meet our customers utmost satisfaction. 詳情請參閱本公司網站http://www.wnd.com.tw 得獎紀錄:榮登 2009 年版台灣地區大型企業排名TOP5000 不分業混合營收排名第 2506 名 不分業經營績效排名第 4596 名 製造業-- 營收排名第 1482 名 製造業-- 經營績效排名第 2507 名
As a true specialist in the manufacture and export of quality hose clamps and couplings. All Gain Industry Co.,Ltd. Is equipped with the latest technology and the most advanced and fully-automated production facilities. Founded in 1976, our top-of-the-line products and know-how have been widely recognized by our clients as a result of years of repeated testing.With a 27,000-square-meter factory site and an elite workforce of just 15 people. We have become one of the msot reliable global manufacturers in the industry. We also offer CSA and UPC approved products.In order to achieve the highest standards of excellence.All Gain has recently adopted the "Quality a Must,Customer"Trust"policy.We believe that by enhancing rigorous QC inspections at all stages of production,customers will in turn gain even greater trust for our products. In addition to our rigid emphasis on quality,our products meet all the required standards imposed and are marketed all over the world,mainly in Europe,the U.S,and Japan.Withe more than a decade of deep experience in making hose clamps and couplings. All Gain’s items have been specially developed for use with: *Automobile parts and equipment. *Oil pipes,pressure gauges,water pipes and parts. *Special pipes for chemical uses and equipment. *Drainage pipes and sewers. *Household uses. *Exercise equipment.
公司簡介 COMPANY MANUAI 珍好饌食品對於餐飲的投入及專業已有27年之久,秉持著這些年對顧客需求及喜好的認知,以餐廳精緻細膩的手法,做出道地台灣味的XO好伴為珍好饌食品的主要商品,也因台灣本地給予極大的肯定繼而秉持著把愛傳出去的精神,積極規劃海外行銷的方式及通路,希望讓大家都能享受到本公司XO好伴的美味。 Shin-Tong-Wang Co., Ltd. with good reputation in the cuisine industry has provided seafood and local delicacies in Taiwan for more than 27 years, Exquisite methods have been developing many delicacies , such as an acceptable an XO sauce with Taiwanese taste , acting as main products. Due to great support by the local customers, Shin-Tong-Wang Co now continues dedicating to arranging overseas channels. Based on the spirit of the dissemination of love held by Shin-Tong-Wang , we disseminate such delicacies to everyone/everywhere that may also allow the public to enjoy the delicacy, XO sauce of
Establishment: 1979 Floor area of the Factory: 7700m2 Factory area: 5000m2 Recent Important Event: 1994 Promoted 5S activity 1995 ISO-9002 Authentication 1996 Participated in Matsushita Electric Q-UP activity 1998 Further obtained QS 9000 certification 2000 Established High Frame (Dongguan) factory 2003 Established Operation Center for oversea business 1.產品供應全世界知名電器,電子,音響廠商:Bose,Harman,FOSTER,松下. 2.堅強的研發,生產,銷售,服務團隊,快速的對應流程,具有世界級的競爭力. 3.5s的工作環境,人性的企業文化,深具願景的明日之星.
One of Mae Tay key competitive advantages over its competitors is its ability to design and fabricate quickly the dies and molds required for its manufacturing operations. Mae Tay has a team of over 500 experienced and dedicated engineers and technicians in mainland China and Taiwan focusing purely on mold and die fabrication and design. This strength in precision mold making and tooling enables Mae Tay to reduce the processing time for die and mold production substantially as compared with its competitors. Mae Tay is one of the world’s foremost manufacturers of plastic, rubber and tooling for industrial manufacturers and consumer markets. In addition, Mae Tay distributes a variety of well-known PDA keyboard and touch panel items. Our presence extends throughout the world. Major markets include the Americas, Europe, and the Far East. The number and scope of our operations alone does not make Mae Tay a world-class company. That distinction comes from our people being dedicated to providing our customers with the quality products and services.
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